Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources engages with the Washington and Lee University community in a welcoming and professional manner offering people-focused consultation, programming, and resources to recruit, welcome, develop, and support our faculty and staff.

8th Annual Live Well W&L 5K Fun Run/Walk

April 24, 2025, at 10 AM on Cannan Green (rain date: April 25)
Want to join the 5K as a walker, runner, or volunteer? Visit the Live Well W&L 5K page for details and registration.

Job Seekers
Washington and Lee University strives to recruit and retain exceptionally qualified faculty and staff who are committed to the values of the University. To do this, we work to provide compensation consistent with peer institutions, enhanced benefits and training opportunities. Additionally, we're always working to enhance our work life initiatives to allow employees to be successful at home and at work.
New Employees
Welcome to Washington and Lee University! The Office of Human Resources (HR) is here to assist you. We hope you'll find both meaningful work and a warm and welcoming community. We value your contribution and are glad you have chosen to work at Washington and Lee. We offer several resources to help you through the transition:
Managing your employees is fundamental to their success. Here you will find resources and guidance on topics that address key aspects of hiring and managing employees at various stages of their careers. If you'd like to talk about a managerial challenge or are wondering how to accomplish an administrative goal, HR is here to support you.