Thanks and Recognition
Thank You for Your Generosity
As a donor, your support has a great impact on the W&L community. The impact of your gifts is not simply the tangible resources you provide to help carry out W&L’s mission. Your support offers inspiration to the campus community in so many areas.
Thank you for your generosity. You have honored Washington and Lee with your gifts, and it honors you in return.
Annual Impact Report for Donors
The Annual Impact Report is a new way of celebrating the many people who made gifts to W&L during the prior fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) as well as thanking the volunteers who helped support the university.
Class Agent and Reunion Awards
Class Agent and Reunion trophies recognize the volunteers and classes whose giving efforts are outstanding in a variety of ways.
Donor Recognition Societies
W&L’s giving societies celebrate our dedicated donors.
Honored Benefactors
W&L honors its most generous donors by including their name on the Honored Benefactors Wall in Washington Hall. Each donor has contributed at least $1 million to W&L.
Endowed Funds
Washington and Lee’s endowed funds ensure talented students have access to a W&L education, provide faculty with opportunities for research and academic enrichment, support university programs so that they thrive, and sustain the beauty of the historic campus.
Your Gift Matters
The numbers say it all. Thank your for contributing to W&L’s second-highest single-year gift total.