
Photo of Washington Statue on the top of Washington Hall

In October 2024, Washington and Lee University launched its $650 million comprehensive capital campaign, Leading Lives of Consequence: The Campaign for Washington and Lee, the most ambitious fundraising effort in W&L’s 275-year history. 

The Leading Lives of Consequence campaign will underwrite initiatives outlined in the university’s Strategic Plan that enable Washington and Lee to offer a truly exceptional education. It will provide the resources to attract and support top-quality students and faculty, invest in its innovative liberal arts and legal curriculum, expand athletic and recreational opportunities and provide first-rate facilities that support its mission.

The campaign represents a powerful investment in Washington and Lee and in the students and teachers who contribute to and benefit from the university’s educational excellence. The funding priorities — all of which will advance W&L’s mission — fall into five primary areas: Community, Curriculum, Citizenship, Campus, and Continuity. 

Learn more about the campaign and how you can make an impact.

Give today to empower students tomorrow.

The W&L Fund The W&L Law Fund

Funding Priorities

Your gift helps keep W&L at the forefront of liberal arts in our nation. Learn more about W&L's top fundraising priorities.

Photo of students studying together


Student Scholarships

Washington and Lee enrolls students with exceptional academic ability who demonstrate outstanding leadership and character. Thanks to programs such as the Johnson Scholarship Program and the W&L Promise, the university meets 100 percent of demonstrated financial need for all admitted students. W&L seeks to grow endowments for scholarships in order to admit the strongest students every time, regardless of their family financial circumstances.

Image of flowers in front of the Colonnade

Directed Giving

The W&L Fund

The W&L Fund brings the Washington and Lee community together in its common pursuit of excellence, harnessing the energy fueled by generous alumni, parents and friends to support an outstanding academic experience for every student. Providing funding for the areas of greatest need to giving to any of the six designated areas within Washington and Lee University, contributing to the W&L Fund means empowering students to achieve their full potential. Annual giving impacts every sector of the university and provides significant support for the operating budget each year. Each gift advances W&L’s core mission, and the result is class after class of phenomenal leaders who go out into the world to make a positive difference.

Image of students walking past Huntley Hall

21st Century Learning

Huntley Hall Renovation and Williams School Expansion

Washington and Lee’s Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics stands out among the top 20 liberal arts institutions as the only internationally accredited undergraduate business program. The number of students majoring in accounting, business administration, economics, and politics at W&L has grown significantly over the last 20 years, with nearly 50 percent of each graduating class earning degrees in one of these disciplines. To accommodate that growth and to provide a modern learning complex that supports this robust program, W&L plans to renovate Huntley Hall and build a new Williams School structure on Washington Street. These improvements will facilitate hands-on learning, accommodate the university’s hallmark small class size, and enhance networking and professional development opportunities for students.

A rendering of the Lindley Center

Health and Wellness

The Lindley Center for Student Wellness

In the last five years, both the Student Health Center and the Counseling Center have experienced a significant increase in visits. The critical services these facilities provide ensure the health and wellness of W&L students so that they can take full advantage of the learning experiences available to them. Washington and Lee seeks to expand the Student Health and Counseling Center, consolidating medical practice, counseling and psychiatry services in one location, to support a team approach to caring for students in a setting that is easily accessible.

Find Your Gift Officer

Our leadership giving team is happy to work with you to ensure your gift makes a big impact.

Susan Wood
Susan Wood

Susan Wood

Vice President for University Advancement

Susan leads the university’s Development Office and is a key partner in fundraising for W&L. She works with donors from Georgia and Tennessee.

Jocelyn Lewis
Jocelyn Lewis

Jocelyn Lewis

Executive Director of Development

Lewis manages the leadership gifts team responsible for securing private support from alumni, parents and friends of W&L. Her areas include women in philanthropy and she works with donors in Georgia, Maryland, Washington, DC, and Illinois.

Amy Bersett
Amy Bersett

Amy Bersett

Senior Director of Development

Amy is part of the leadership gifts team responsible for securing private support from alumni, parents and friends of the University. She works with donors from San Francisco, Washington, DC, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pittsburgh.

Mike Fisher
Mike Fisher

Mike Fisher

Director of Leadership Giving

Mike Fisher is part of the leadership gifts team responsible for securing support for W&L from alumni, parents and friends. He works with donors from North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Kansas, Arizona and New Mexico.

Megan McAllister
Megan McAllister

Megan McAllister

Regional Director of Development

Megan McAllister is part of the leadership gifts team responsible for securing support for W&L from alumni, parents, and friends. She works with donors from Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, northern Florida, and the Shenandoah Valley.

Danica Rose
Danica Rose

Danica Rose

Regional Director of Development

Danica Rose is part of the leadership gifts team responsible for securing support for W&L from alumni, parents, and friends. She works with donors from Dallas, Texas, central and southern Florida, West Virginia, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.

Nancy McIntyre
Nancy McIntyre

Nancy McIntyre

Senior Philanthropic Advisor

Nancy secures private support for the university and serves as the university academic development staff liaison. In this role, Nancy will explore new opportunities for university faculty to connect with W&L alumni, parents and friends to enhance philanthropy and the student experience. She works with donors in New York City, South Carolina and Virginia.

Kenny Melvin
Kenny Melvin

Kenny Melvin

Senior Director of Development

Kenny Melvin handles giving in support of the university and serves as the staff liaison to the Williams School. He works with donors in New York City, New York State, Northern New Jersey, and Connecticut.

Tara Hackenberg
Tara Hackenberg

Tara Hackenberg

Director of Parent Giving

Jacqueline Painter
Jacqueline Painter

Jacqueline Painter

Director of Gift Planning

Jocelyn Lewis
Amy Bersett
Mike Fisher
Megan McAllister
Danica Rose
Nancy McIntyre
Kenny Melvin
Tara Hackenberg
Jacqueline Painter
Susan Wood

The Case for Giving

The following alumni and friends have honored Washington and Lee with a gift, and we honor them in return.

Non Incautus Futuri "not unmindful of the future"

Your Support Matters

Thank You

The impact of your gifts is not simply the tangible resources you provide to help carry out W&L’s mission. Your support offers inspiration to the campus community in many ways.

Non Incautus Futuri "not unmindful of the future"


Bedrock Values

Howard Capito ’68 established the Christopher D. Connors Endowment for Earth and Environmental Geoscience to honor the “living legend” and support student internships in geology and related fields.

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Continuing a Legacy of Philanthropy

Hank Ingram ’13 recently established the Ingram Family Student Opportunity Endowment to further community-based learning opportunities for W&L students in Rockbridge County.

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W&L Welcomes New Trustee Joelle James Phillips ’95L

Joelle James Phillips ‘95L joined the Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees on Feb. 7, at the board’s winter meeting in Lexington, Virginia.

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Lily Webster ’22, Billy Webster ‘79, and Will Webster ’20

Generations of Generosity

The importance of philanthropy is a value that Billy Webster ’79 instilled in his children from a young age.

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W&L Launches $650 Million Capital Campaign

Washington and Lee University announced on Friday, Oct. 25, the launch of a $650 million comprehensive capital campaign, Leading Lives of Consequence: The Campaign for Washington and Lee.

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W&L Welcomes New Trustees Josephine Covington ’96, P’24 and Jack Huffard ’90, P’28

Josephine S. Covington ’96, P’24 and John C. “Jack” Huffard Jr. ’90, P’28 joined the Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees on Oct. 25, at the board’s fall meeting in Lexington.

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Historic Gift Allows Washington and Lee University to Adopt Need-Blind Admissions Policy

Alumnus Bill Miller donates $132 million to expand access and affordability.

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Celebrating an Extraordinary Legacy

Pat and Marshall Nuckols’ estate gift supports scholarships and student opportunities.

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Kitty and Jim Farrar '74 in W&L Athletics Hall of Fame.

Athletics Hall of Fame Ceremony to Celebrate Endowment Honoring the Farrars

The James D. Farrar Jr. ’74 and Katharine Capito Farrar Endowment supports the Athletics Hall of Fame and will help fund athletics-related student opportunities.

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PLC Chairs Fred Beaujeu-Dufour and Anne Faircloth

Meet the Parents Leadership Council Chairs

Anne Faircloth and Fred Beaujeu-Dufour share their thoughts as Parents Leadership Council (PLC) chairs.

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Catalyst for Change

The Jeffrey G. Lawson ’68 Endowment funds leadership roles in the DeLaney Center.

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